Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Reasonable Suspicion vs. Medical Problem

Be careful when you suspect some one of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs at work. While there are those who are legitimately out of their mind for showing up to work under the influence, there are those that give this appearance from an underlying medical problem.

Alot of employees are ashamed of medical problems, or feel that if they acknowledge them they may not get the job, so they keep them hidden. This can present a serious problem.

Take for instance a diabetic. These individuals can suffer from a problem called Diabetic Keto-Acidosis. They may seem to the lay-man to be intoxicated by showing the same symptoms of which include altered mental status, uneven walking gait, and a fruity wine cooler smelling breath. Attempting to get these employees to submit to a reasonable suspicion drug test is only prolonging much needed medical treatment.

On top of this, there are underlying legal issues when you accuse someone of being intoxicated. Make sure to get your HR department involved from the start. Have a plan in place and work the plan.

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